Saagie, the Data Factory that accelerates the production of your data and AI projects

The Saagie Cloud Data Factory is a turnkey platform that lets you create and manage all your data & AI projects in a single interface, deployable in just a few clicks.

Break free from constraints with our turnkey platform

illustration saagie data factory
illustration saagie data factory

Focus on the essentials: Develop your use cases and test your AI models in a secure way with the Saagie Data Factory. Get your data and AI projects off the ground with a single interface and centralize your teams to make rapid progress.

Cut the time to insight of your data & AI projects by a factor of 3
With Saagie, your data teams can start working on day one, with all their tools and frameworks ready to use and 100% outsourced.
Increase the efficiency of your data engineering processes by a factor of 5
With Saagie, you can focus your data engineering teams on high value-added tasks and speed up the development of your projects.
Save up to 30% on your cloud infrastructure costs
Optimize your expenses with Saagie: Segregate and monitor your resources, keep your costs under control without compromising on processing performance.
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Divisez par 3 le time to insight
de vos projets data & IA
Avec Saagie, vos équipes data peuvent commencer à travailler dès le premier jour, avec l’ensemble de leurs outils et frameworks prêts à l’emploi et 100% infogérés. 
Multipliez par 5 l’efficacité de vos processus
de Data Engineering
Saagie permet de concentrer les équipes de Data Engineering sur les tâches à forte valeur ajoutée, accélérant ainsi le développement de vos projets.
Jusqu'à 30% d'économies
sur vos coûts d’infrastructure cloud
Optimisez vos dépenses avec Saagie : cloisonnez et surveillez vos ressources, maîtrisez vos coûts sans compromettre la performance de vos traitements.
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A tool tailored to your project's maturity level

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Whatever your maturity level, from your first data project to a data & AI driven strategy, the Saagie platform is there for you.

For each profile a solution


Data & AI Engineers, Data Consumers, Cloud Engineers, unleash your data’s full potential

 now with Saagie. Simplify your workflows, boost your productivity, and make more informed decisions by unifying your work on a single platform.


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