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Maj Saagie 2023.03

An update that brings its share of new features: 2023.03

Summer is finally here, and with it comes a breath of fresh air, joy, sunshine and novelty at Saagie! 😄

3 months have passed since our last release and Saagie has evolved quite a bit! Check out the latest (great) platform news with our maj 2023.03! ☀️😎

1. Product updates

Deleting a Job Instance

From the job’s The "Instances" page icon is three overlapping squares. Instances page, you can now delete instances and associated logs to streamline the list, improve your user experience, and maintain control over storage. You can either delete a single instance, a selection of instances, or a selection of instances based on status filters.

Deleting a Job Version

From the job’s The "Versions" page icon is a folder with an arrow pointing up. Versions page, you can now delete versions to streamline the list and improve your user experience. You can either delete a single version, or a selection of versions.

Duplicating a Job

From the job library or its The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page, you can now duplicate the Current Badge for the "Current" status version of your job. This saves you having to start from scratch, and improves your productivity.

Default Resource Allocation for All Technologies and Contexts

To increase the reliability of job and app execution, better share limited resources with others, and guarantee simultaneous execution our internal system has been enhanced.

Default values for CPU and RAM resources have been defined to all technologies and contexts in Saagie’s Technology Catalog, except for external technologies. These values ensure greater platform stability. You can see the details by clicking the technology in The "Catalog" module icon is a bento button. Catalog > The "Repositories" page icon is two plugs being plugged. Repositories > Saagie.

These values also exist at the technology context level and can override the values defined at the technology level. You can configure them when creating a job or app, or by modifying the Resources Icon for CPU and RAM resources. setting of your job or app.

2. Saagie Python API Documentation

You can use our Python package saagieapi, which implements Python API wrappers to easily interact with the Saagie platform in Python.

3. Bug Fixes

Handle Ambiguous Floating Values

Each technology has its own metadata.yaml file composed of a variety of attributes requiring different types of values.

The parser is sensitive to float ambiguity when the attribute expects a value of type string. This has a particular impact on the technology version number. For example, if you have Python 3.10, it will be read as 3.1 and not 3.10.

To remove this ambiguity in version 2023.03 of the Technology Catalog, you must:

  • Modify your technology’s metadata.yaml file by adding quotation marks to the value of attributes requiring a string value. For example, write id: "3.10" instead of id: 3.10.

  • Duplicate the technology context. One of the versions will have the identifier 3.2 and will be marked DEPRECATED DEPRECATED. The other version will be identical, but with the identifier 3.20.

This concerns all attributes requiring a string value.

Cela concerne tous les attributs nécessitant une valeur de type “string”.


Saagie’s official technology repository will be updated automatically without any action on your part.

Job Status “Unknown”

Jobs lasting more than 15 minutes were automatically assigned the Unknown status. They now end with an appropriate status.

Loading App History

To solve performance issues of the app The "History" page icon is a counterclockwise arrow. History page, a pagination has been implemented. Events are loaded progressively rather than all at once, improving page loading time and fluidity.

In addition, the timeline display on the app The "Overview" page icon is a square divided into several other squares. Overview page has also been modified accordingly. If your app history contains too many events, only the most recent will be displayed. Part of the beginning of the timeline will be grayed out to indicate that the oldest events cannot be displayed.

4. Saagie Technology Repository Updates

The following technologies have been added or deprecated in the Saagie official technology repository :

Embedded Job and External Job Technologies

 Bash : the debian12-bookworm context has been added.

– Python : context 3.7 is now depreciated.


– Airbyte :the Airbyte context has been added.

– VS Code : VS Code 4.1.0, VS Code Python 4.1.0, VS Code 4.8.3 and VS Code Python 4.8.3 contexts have been added.